Posts tagged change
Influencing: What Does it Take to Really Change Someone's Behaviour?

What does it really take to change, not only what someone says about an issue, but what they actually think and therefore what they do? No matter what we have been told before, there is only really one way that we change, and it’s easier and also more frustratingly nebulous than we think. Read on to find out what it is and how to facilitate it.

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Leadership: How Good is your 'Change Game'? What Really is Adaptability?

If you always play the same game, you’ll always get the same results. That much seems obvious. And are we setting ourselves up for the mental equivalent of a repetitive strain injury, burn-out, boredom, restlessness, or under-performance? How are you limiting yourself and what would it take to become a lot more adaptable?

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Small-Scale Change: #JFDI

How do we create change? We flippantly say that it’s one bite at a time—reference to that old how do you eat an elephant’ joke, but what if it really is? And what if holding on to the idea that we have to ‘get it right’ or get certain people involved, or test a model, or wait for them’ to do something, is getting in the way of the small-scale change that we can achieve right now. Today. In this moment, in this conversation, in your reading of this piece. #JFDI

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