Posts tagged corona virus
Redefining Sustainability and a Fresh Perspective on Economic Value

When we’re debating what it is that makes an economy sustainable, we forget that the value is less in what we create, and what system we have for living in society, and more in the creative capacity that underpins everything we do. Value that, and we will be nurturing an infinitely renewable source of value, rather than the form in which that value shapes itself on any given day.

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Seduced by Solutions: The Bigger Leadership Challenge...

We’re often attached to a solution for some reason other than what it does. We seek knowledge rather than understanding, we value expertise rather than wisdom, we envy the colour or style of a car, we follow fashions (even if that means playing the rebel). This is fine, and fun, but being able to question, to create space for reflection, to see beyond the shimmer is a life and leadership skill that will take you way further.

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